A special message from Pastor Kelley Ketcham

A group of people with Lutheran Services in America and a title that says "This is What Happens When We Come Together"

Dear Beloved in Christ,

If you are on social media, you have probably seen the inflammatory and libelous remarks by former General Michael Flynn and Elon Musk regarding Lutheran Social Service agencies across the United States.

In these posts, both Flynn and Musk accused these agencies of money laundering and insinuated that the Lutheran faith was made up for that purpose. You can see the original posts here: Elon Musk on X: “The @DOGE team is rapidly shutting down these illegal payments” / X

For the record, the organizations targeted in these posts are legally recognized organizations that receive federal grants to carry out programs such as housing assistance, food pantries, disaster assistance, mental health programs and youth services. These grants have been legally obtained, and as such, have strict guidelines as to how they may be spent.

Presiding Bishop of the ELCA Elizabeth Eaton has responded to the falsehoods shared in these posts with a video message

In addition to Bishop Eaton’s remarks, I also want to respond to these attacks against these agencies.

Lutheran Services in America (LSA) was founded in 1997 as a joint venture between the ELCA and Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod as a way to serve their neighbors. While they are headquartered in Washington, D.C., the LSA network reaches 1 in 50 people in America each year. To put that in Delaware terms, approximately 21,000 Delawareans benefit from services that LSA provides. To learn more about LSA, visit www.lutheranservices.org.

Global Refuge (formally known as Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, or LIRS) was founded in 1939 to provide assistance and services for refugees from Germany and Eastern Europe. Since then, Global Refuge has assisted with refugees from Cuba, Uganda, Vietnam, Sudan and Afghanistan, among other countries. To learn more about Global Refuge, visit www.globalrefuge.org.

In Delaware, we have Lutheran Community Services, which was founded in 1959 to address the independent living needs of seniors in our area. In the 1980’s, under the guidance of St. Mark’s member Ruth Flexman, LCS became heavily involved in emergency food and housing assistance. Today, food distributions have expanded, and housing activities include rental and utility assistance, security deposits, and housing stability case management. St. Mark’s members continue to support the ministries of LCS by serving at food pantries and participating in the Walk/Run every September. To learn more about LCS, visit www.lcsde.org.

I wish to stress that I am not arguing for or against any specific elected official. Elected officials have the authority to use taxpayer money how they deem best, in accordance with the law. But these decisions must be based in truth, not libelous accusations. Bishop Eaton mentions in her video that we follow the Eighth Commandment, which commands us to “not bear false witness against our neighbor.” When public officials claim that the Church’s ministries are illegitimate, the Church must speak the truth against these falsehoods.

So – how can you respond?

First, pray! Pray for our elected leaders, that they may make wise and just decisions on behalf of the people they serve. Pray for those whose well-being is affected by the cuts to necessary support programs. Pray for these agencies, and the many like them, that they may continue to spread God’s love to the world through their work.

Pastor Kelley Ketcham
Pastor Kelley Ketcham

Second, if you are able, please donate to these agencies to support their ministries. Links to donate may be found at any of the above websites.

Finally, if you are so inclined, I invite you to reach out to your elected officials. Here in Delaware, we are served in Congress by U.S. Senators Chris Coons and Lisa Blunt Rochester, and U.S. Representative Sarah McBride. Call, write, or email their offices to let them know about the good work Lutherans are doing in this country and throughout the world.

I am proud of the good work our Church does in the world, and I hope you are as well.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly.

May God’s blessings be with you,

Pastor Kelley

Celebrating the centennial of Brandywine Hundred Fire Company No. 1!

Historic photo of Brandywine Hundred Fire Company No. 1

Did you know St. Mark’s has strong ties with Brandywine Hundred Fire Company No. 1, stretching back more than 80 years?

Our first service was held on the second floor of the company’s fire house on Jan. 11, 1942. We moved to our current site almost a decade later, and our first service was held in our new building on Christmas Eve 1951. When a disastrous fire broke out in our building in May of 1969, our firefighting neighbors rushed to our aid. You can read more about that fire and our history on our website.Scorched sanctuary

This year, Brandywine Hundred Fire Company No. 1 marks its 100th anniversaryand we have plans to join their celebration and honor these first responders.

  • On Saturday, Sept. 28, Join us as we participate in the fire company’s parade! We’ll meet at 10 a.m. at the former Hillcrest-Bellefonte United Methodist Church, 400 Hillcrest Avenue. The parade steps off at noon and ends at the Bellevue Community Center, across the street from St. Mark’s. We will walk to the end of the parade route, but plan to have a truck riding in the parade for anyone who wants to participate but cannot walk that distance. After the parade, the fire company invites the community to join the celebration at the firehouse at 1006 Brandywine Blvd. in Bellefonte . For more information, please speak to Greg or Lynne Landrey, Gail Rodger or Vicki McDowell.

On Sunday, Oct. 6, we will host a Service of Honor and Blessing, marking the Brandywine Hundred Fire Company’s 100 years of service to our community. This will be part of our worship service, starting at 10:30 a.m. A reception will follow the service.

Get into something good with us this summer!

A hammer and anvil used during Shane Claiborne's recent visit to St. Mark's.

Join us as we launch our new summer schedule and get into something good together! Our summer schedule starts Sunday, June 2, with adult education at 9 a.m., fellowship at 10 and a single worship service at 10:30 a.m.

Pastor Kelley will lead our first adult education class of the summer (9 a.m. on June 2), as we discuss the recent visit of Shane Claiborne, a Christian activist from Philadelphia who works for peace and non-violence in local, national and international initiatives. He demonstrated the work of the RAW Tools project during his visit on May 25, using the hammer and anvil in the photograph above to show how lethal weapons can be transformed into useful tools.

God does transformative work in us, too, as we connect for study, prayer, worship and service.

We also have plans to get together at community events this summer, using those opportunities to get to know each other better and get to know our neighbors better, too.

We hope you’ll join us as this new summer journey begins!

Swords to Plowshares: ‘Youtherans’ host Shane Claiborne at St. Mark’s May 25

Shane Claiborne

Join us Saturday afternoon, May 25 for a very special event as the “Youtherans” and Lutheran churches (ELCA) in Delaware and Maryland welcome Shane Claiborne and the RAW Tools’ “Swords to Plowshares: Forging Peace. Disarming Hearts” project to St. Mark’s.

Using a forge and a hammer, Claiborne will demonstrate how weapons of violence — guns that were donated, broken down and decommissioned — can be turned into garden tools and other instruments of peace.

The project draws its inspiration from a Scripture passage in Isaiah: “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, they will train for war no more. Everyone will sit under their own vine and fig tree. No one shall make them afraid.”

Also participating Saturday will be the Rev. Raymont Anderson, a survivor of gun violence and a representative of the Newark chapter of Moms Demand Action, a grassroots movement of Americans fighting for public safety measures that can protect people from gun violence.

Claiborne is the co-author of “Beating Guns: Hope for People Who are Weary of Violence.” He worked with Mother Teresa in Calcutta, India, and is the founder of The Simple Way in Philadelphia and the leader of Red Letter Christians, a movement of folks committed to living “as if Jesus meant the things he said.” In 2023, he received The King Center’s Beloved Community Award for Social Justice from Dr. Bernice King, the daughter of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King).

“We do more than turn guns into garden tools. We are turning violence into peace. We are turning fear into trust. Through relationship, dialogue, and resources, we are welcoming neighbors with loving arms rather than bearing arms. Join us.”

Holy Week services

Journey through Holy Week with us.

Holy Week is a precious and momentous time for the St. Mark’s family and all of our siblings in Christ. It is the week we commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus, our Lord.

Our schedule is below. If you cannot join us in-person, most services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. Links are included below for each service.

  • We start with Palm Sunday, which recalls a day of public acclaim for Jesus. On this day, we will gather for our traditional service at 8:45 a.m. and our contemporary service at 11:15 a.m.
  • On Maundy Thursday, we recall the last supper, the betrayal of Jesus and his arrest. On this night, we will gather with our siblings in Christ at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, just across the street at 503 Duncan Rd. The service begins at 7 p.m. and will be live-streamed.
  • Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. On this night, we will gather at St. Mark’s. The service begins at 7 p.m. and will be live-streamed.
  • On Holy Saturday, we hold vigil, reflecting on the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Our sanctuary will be open from 9 a.m. to noon for all who wish to join us for prayer and meditation.
  • Easter Sunday is the most glorious day in the Christian calendar, a celebration of Jesus’s resurrection. We will rejoice together at our 8:45 a.m. traditional service and our 11:15 a.m. contemporary service.

GriefShare group to start March 4 at St. Mark’s

Photo of a group of people meeting together.

If you’ve lost a loved one — a spouse, a parent, a sibling, a co-worker, your dearest friend — you know the anguish of such a loss and the hollow place that once was filled with that precious person.

How does life even work when such a powerful bond is severed? Often, it includes searing pain.

Cecilia Cronk knows that feeling. She lost her husband, Homer, in 2018, after 54 years of marriage. Three months after Homer died, Cecelia decided to join a GriefShare support group. She knows the strength it provided for her and the value of the connections made in those meetings, with others who understood.

Cecelia Cronk
Cecelia Cronk is starting a GriefShare chapter at St. Mark’s.

Now she is helping to start a GriefShare group at St. Mark’s. The group, which already has five co-leaders and one external registrant, will start its first 13-week session at St. Mark’s at 7 p.m., Monday, March 4.

“Going to GriefShare meetings was such a comfort after Homer died,” Cecelia said. “I learned that it is OK that my grief journey was not the same as everyone else’s. Whereas there is no set roadmap for grief, I came to give myself permission to grieve

in my own way and on my own timetable.

“I was already a Christian, but I came to have an even closer walk with Jesus — partially as a result of the knowledge and support I gained from attending the GriefShare sessions. It is now time for me to share this peace and comfort with others.”

Each session includes a 30-minute video and a time of discussion. The series explores many facets of the grieving process, including loneliness, fear, anger, regrets, relationships, hope and more. A participant’s guide will be provided to each person in the group.

To get more information or register for the group, visit the “Find A Group” link on the GriefShare website, enter St. Mark’s ZIP code — 19809 — and click on the link for St. Mark’s March 4 meeting. You can register online in advance or at the door. There is no cost to participate, but donations are welcome.

GriefShare is an international ministry, part of Church Initiative, a nondenominational, nonprofit ministry serving more than 20,000 churches worldwide.

To hear from some who have participated in the past, watch the video below:

What Is GriefShare? – Find a Group from Church Initiative on Vimeo.

Worship with us during this Thanksgiving and Christmas season!

An image with candles and stained glass

A special season is fast approaching! Here are our plans for worship throughout Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve — please join us!

  • Thanksgiving week — Tuesday, Nov. 21:

7 p.m., Tuesday, November 21: Pastor Kelley will participate in the Community Thanksgiving Service at Holly Oak Calvary Methodist Church, 1511 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington. Let’s join in this thanksgiving gathering!

  • Advent Prayer Vigil, Saturday, Dec. 2:

8:30 a.m. to noon. Set apart time in our beautiful sanctuary to prayerfully meditate on Advent, the coming of the Christ, and to know him as Emmanuel — the “God-with-us” — who has the power to transform our hearts, our lives and even this broken world in which we live. Meditative Advent music will enhance the experience and an Advent Prayer Guide will be supplied. (More details below.)

  • Christmas Eve, Sunday, Dec. 24:

10 a.m. — Joint worship service with our neighbors at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant (503 Duncan Road).

4 p.m. — Contemporary Family Worship at St. Mark’s

8 p.m. — Traditional Candlelight Worship at St. Mark’s

  • New Year’s Eve, Sunday, Dec. 31:

10 a.m. – Joint worship service at St. Mark’s

What’s your story?

What's your story?

If you have encountered the transformative love of Jesus, you have a great story to tell and we want to hear it. In fact, we need to hear it!

Jesus’ love gives us hope for the future and hope for each other. All of us are strengthened when we share that good news.

So please join us for “What’s Your Story?” — our Adult Forum summer series, starting at 10 a.m. July 9 in the Great Room, as we share our faith stories and real-life experiences of God’s work in our lives.

Margie Dodson, who has been at St. Mark’s since 2007, leads us off this Sunday.

Here are a few things to know about Margie:

Margie Dodson
Margie Dodson
  • She is the youngest of five girls, has been married to Ollie Dodson for 30 years and is blessed with a “big, blended family” that includes two stepdaughters, five grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.
  • Margie has worked as a dental hygienist for more than 40 years and continues to work three days a week.
  • Margie loves music. Her favoriate hymn is “Be Thou My Vision.”

There’s so much more to her story! Join us, bring your questions and see what God has been up to with one of our dear family members.

We have a growing list of folks willing to share their stories and we’d love to add your name. If you’re interested, please contact Margie Dodson or Beth Miller and we’ll be glad to help you do it!

“Worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.” 1 Peter 3:15 (NLT)

Service of Love

Service of Love 10 a.m. Sunday, June 11

St. Mark’s will present a unity Service of Love at 10 a.m. Sunday, June 11, where God’s radical love — shown through philia (brotherly love), eros (romantic love), and agape (unconditional love) — will be featured through scripture and song.

Family and friends are invited and encouraged to come and be a part of this beautiful event.

Following the service, a reception and special exhibits encompassing the three types of love will be on display in the Narthex.

We hope to see you on this joyous day!

Holy Week at St. Mark’s

Journey through Holy Week with us.

We continue our Holy Week journey at St. Mark’s, reflecting together on the life, work and sacrifice of Jesus, celebrating His triumph over death and considering His call to action.

Our schedule includes worship in our sanctuary as well as livestream options on our YouTube channel. To find a specific service, click on the underlined text for a link. Join us in person or online as we worship our Lord!

  • Good Friday, April 7: 7 p.m. Joint evening worship service with Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, hosted by St. Mark’s
  • Holy Saturday, April 8: 9 a.m. to noon. Prayer vigil in St. Mark’s sanctuary
  • Easter Sunday, April 9: 8:45 a.m. Traditional worship service; 11:15 a.m. Contemporary worship service (There are no Christian education programs on this day.)
  • Monday, April 10: St. Mark’s office will be closed on this day.