St. Mark’s offers two worship services on Sunday mornings. They are different in style, but they share a common purpose – to connect us with God and all God’s people through prayer and the holy sacraments, to allow us to hear God’s word through Scripture and preaching, to give us opportunity to gather in praise through instrumental, vocal and visual arts and to send us forth, filled with the Holy Spirit to be the light of Christ in the world.
9 a.m. Traditional Service
Our 9 a.m. service embraces the traditional Lutheran worship format, with liturgy, rituals and hymns in a more formal sanctuary setting. The service includes a rich selection of time-honored music led by our choir with organ, piano and other instrumental accompaniment. The service appeals to those who seek a more contemplative or structured worship experience.
11:15 a.m. Contemporary Service
Our 11:15 a.m. service offers a relaxed, come-as-you-are experience with a more informal-but-recognizable worship format. The service features spirited musical selections led by our worship band and vocalists. The service appeals to those seeking a more informal and interactive worship experience.