Special combined service

As 2018 draws to a close, we will worship together in one combined 10 a.m. service Sunday, Dec. 30.

The congregation of the Presbyterian Church of the Covenant will join us for a service of lessons and carols, worship and Holy Communion.

All are welcome to join in as we worship our Lord, giving thanks for his provision and looking to the new year with hope and confidence in him.

The Longest Night Service

For many, the holiday season holds sorrow, loss and grief. A loved one who has died is mourned. Losses and other unwanted changes can make normal holiday celebrations too painful for many.

The “Longest Night Service” is meant for all — families, individuals, friends — who have suffered loss. It is a time of reflection and contemplative respite. Its name refers to the time it usually is scheduled — on or near the longest night of the year.

The service will be held at Chester Bethel United Methodist Church, located at 2619 Foulk Rd. in Brandywine Hundred, north of Wilmington. All are welcome.

Caroling on the Square

St. Mark’s worship band — Souls on Fire — will sing and accompany carolers during the City of Wilmington’s annual Caroling on the Square event.

This is a joyous community gathering held at Rodney Square in the heart of Delaware’s largest city. Come join us as we celebrate the season with our community.

During the event, organizers will collect donations of canned goods, blankets, coats, socks and new toys for kids.

Community Thanksgiving Service

Give thanks with a grateful heart

The St. Mark’s congregation will join with our neighbors at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant for an evening of prayer, song and gratitude for all of God’s blessings to us. This event is open to all — so invite your friends and neighbors to join in as we express our thanks!

Presbyterian Church of the Covenant is right next door at 503 Duncan Road, Wilmington, Delaware 19809.

If you can’t join us that evening, there are many other Thanksgiving services in the area, including:

Sunday, Nov. 18: 5 p.m. at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 1314 Foulk Rd., Wilmington 19803

Tuesday, Nov. 20: 7 p.m. at Shiloh Baptist Church, 215 W. 23rd St., Wilmington 19802; Holly Oak Calvary United Methodist Church, 1511 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington 19809 and Hope Lutheran Church, 230 Christiana Rd., New Castle 19720; and 7:30 p.m. at Lower Brandywine Presbyterian Church, 101 Old Kennett Rd., Wilmington 19807

Wednesday, Nov. 21: 6:30 p.m. at Peniel United Methodist Church; and 7 p.m. at Old Swedes Church, 606 N. Church St., Wilmington 19801

Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 22: 10 a.m. at Christ Church Christiana Hundred, 505 Buck Rd., Wilmington 19807