A special message from Pastor Kelley Ketcham

A group of people with Lutheran Services in America and a title that says "This is What Happens When We Come Together"

Dear Beloved in Christ,

If you are on social media, you have probably seen the inflammatory and libelous remarks by former General Michael Flynn and Elon Musk regarding Lutheran Social Service agencies across the United States.

In these posts, both Flynn and Musk accused these agencies of money laundering and insinuated that the Lutheran faith was made up for that purpose. You can see the original posts here: Elon Musk on X: “The @DOGE team is rapidly shutting down these illegal payments” / X

For the record, the organizations targeted in these posts are legally recognized organizations that receive federal grants to carry out programs such as housing assistance, food pantries, disaster assistance, mental health programs and youth services. These grants have been legally obtained, and as such, have strict guidelines as to how they may be spent.

Presiding Bishop of the ELCA Elizabeth Eaton has responded to the falsehoods shared in these posts with a video message

In addition to Bishop Eaton’s remarks, I also want to respond to these attacks against these agencies.

Lutheran Services in America (LSA) was founded in 1997 as a joint venture between the ELCA and Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod as a way to serve their neighbors. While they are headquartered in Washington, D.C., the LSA network reaches 1 in 50 people in America each year. To put that in Delaware terms, approximately 21,000 Delawareans benefit from services that LSA provides. To learn more about LSA, visit www.lutheranservices.org.

Global Refuge (formally known as Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, or LIRS) was founded in 1939 to provide assistance and services for refugees from Germany and Eastern Europe. Since then, Global Refuge has assisted with refugees from Cuba, Uganda, Vietnam, Sudan and Afghanistan, among other countries. To learn more about Global Refuge, visit www.globalrefuge.org.

In Delaware, we have Lutheran Community Services, which was founded in 1959 to address the independent living needs of seniors in our area. In the 1980’s, under the guidance of St. Mark’s member Ruth Flexman, LCS became heavily involved in emergency food and housing assistance. Today, food distributions have expanded, and housing activities include rental and utility assistance, security deposits, and housing stability case management. St. Mark’s members continue to support the ministries of LCS by serving at food pantries and participating in the Walk/Run every September. To learn more about LCS, visit www.lcsde.org.

I wish to stress that I am not arguing for or against any specific elected official. Elected officials have the authority to use taxpayer money how they deem best, in accordance with the law. But these decisions must be based in truth, not libelous accusations. Bishop Eaton mentions in her video that we follow the Eighth Commandment, which commands us to “not bear false witness against our neighbor.” When public officials claim that the Church’s ministries are illegitimate, the Church must speak the truth against these falsehoods.

So – how can you respond?

First, pray! Pray for our elected leaders, that they may make wise and just decisions on behalf of the people they serve. Pray for those whose well-being is affected by the cuts to necessary support programs. Pray for these agencies, and the many like them, that they may continue to spread God’s love to the world through their work.

Pastor Kelley Ketcham
Pastor Kelley Ketcham

Second, if you are able, please donate to these agencies to support their ministries. Links to donate may be found at any of the above websites.

Finally, if you are so inclined, I invite you to reach out to your elected officials. Here in Delaware, we are served in Congress by U.S. Senators Chris Coons and Lisa Blunt Rochester, and U.S. Representative Sarah McBride. Call, write, or email their offices to let them know about the good work Lutherans are doing in this country and throughout the world.

I am proud of the good work our Church does in the world, and I hope you are as well.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly.

May God’s blessings be with you,

Pastor Kelley

Holy Week services

Journey through Holy Week with us.

Holy Week is a precious and momentous time for the St. Mark’s family and all of our siblings in Christ. It is the week we commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus, our Lord.

Our schedule is below. If you cannot join us in-person, most services will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel. Links are included below for each service.

  • We start with Palm Sunday, which recalls a day of public acclaim for Jesus. On this day, we will gather for our traditional service at 8:45 a.m. and our contemporary service at 11:15 a.m.
  • On Maundy Thursday, we recall the last supper, the betrayal of Jesus and his arrest. On this night, we will gather with our siblings in Christ at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, just across the street at 503 Duncan Rd. The service begins at 7 p.m. and will be live-streamed.
  • Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. On this night, we will gather at St. Mark’s. The service begins at 7 p.m. and will be live-streamed.
  • On Holy Saturday, we hold vigil, reflecting on the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Our sanctuary will be open from 9 a.m. to noon for all who wish to join us for prayer and meditation.
  • Easter Sunday is the most glorious day in the Christian calendar, a celebration of Jesus’s resurrection. We will rejoice together at our 8:45 a.m. traditional service and our 11:15 a.m. contemporary service.

Stock the food pantry for LCS!

Grocery cart

July brings challenges for low-income families with school-aged children, as they may need to provide an additional 10 meals each week during the summer. This year, inflation makes that challenge even greater for food-insecure households.

We at St. Mark’s have a special opportunity to help these families and others who find it tough to put food on the table.

July is “LIFE” Month for us — and that stands for “Lutherans Involved in Food Emergencies.” During this month, we focus on helping to stock the food pantries of Lutheran Community Services, which includes LCS’ headquarters and pantries at St. Stephen’s, Unity, and Hope Lutheran churches.

As in years past, the grocery cart is in the Narthex. You know what to do! Please bring shelf-stable items, diapers and personal hygiene products.

Making a financial donation is also a great way to help. You can write a check directly to Lutheran Community Services or designate your gift to LIFE on your St. Mark’s offering envelope.

Join us as we work together this month to keep the LCS food pantries stocked for those who need them most.

Thank you for your support!

Gear up for the 2022 LCS Walk/Run!

The start of the Lutheran Community Services Walk/Run for Hunger

It’s almost time for the 2022 Lutheran Community Services (LCS) Walk/Run — one of the biggest fundraisers of the year for LCS, which provides emergency and essential assistance to thousands of people in our community. St. Mark’s has been a strong supporter of this event for many years, so lace up those sneakers, get your cheering squad ready and pull out your checkbook or credit card to help us provide resources for this outstanding service agency.

This year’s Walk/Run will be held Saturday, Sept. 17 at a new site — Concordia Lutheran Church, 3003 Silverside Road, Wilmington, DE 19810. Registration starts at 9 a.m. and the Walk/Run starts at 10. Read more for details on how to support this event!

The day includes raffles, door prizes and a friendly, non-competitive walk for adults and kids alike. Those who fundraise for the event engage with their friends, family and otheLori Weniger and daughterr personal contacts to support LCS and its mission to help provide essential needs. The funds raised and food collected from this event go directly to LCS’ food pantries.

Pastor Fred Melton (former pastor of St. Mark’s) has been a longtime supporter of this event and returns this year with a dedicated team. St. Mark’s also has a new team — “Pastor Kelley’s Krew” — named for our new pastor, Kelley Ketcham.

To register as a walker or runner, look for the forms in the church lobby or fill out the online form at this web address: https://secure.qgiv.com/event/20walkru/register/form/classification

To donate to a specific team or participant, you can give a check (made out to LCS) directly to the participant or donate to a specific team or participant at this website:  https://secure.qgiv.com/event/20walkru/

A recent addition to the Walk/Run is a Family Fun Fair, immediately following the event. We love to interact with old and new friends with games, rides, music and food.

The Walk/Run & Fun Day is traditionally held on the third Saturday of September, rain or shine, and is hosted by one of our church partners.

Hope to see you there!

St. Mark’s helps LCS set fundraising record

The start of the Lutheran Community Services Walk/Run for Hunger

Whether you laced up your sneakers, recruited donors, wrote a check or cheered on those who walked the walk and ran the run, thank you for helping Lutheran Community Services exceed its fundraising goal at the annual Walk/Run, held Saturday, September 18.

LCS reported a record-setting total of $71,983.42, which was more than $10,000 beyond its $60,000 goal.

Mim Stunkard of St. Mark's holding her T-shirtThe money supports LCS’ food program.

St. Mark’s was listed as the top fundraiser, thanks largely to its link to the No. 1 fundraising individual, the intrepid Pastor Fred Melton, who raised $19,935. Pastor Melton retired as pastor of St. Mark’s several years ago and continues to inspire service and generosity in those who come within his force field.

Why does he do that? We asked, he answered.

“Every day before eating a meal, I remain rather humbled by the fact that I have never had to worry about a meal, about where the food will come from,” Fred said. “it’s a good fortune beyond calculation that is so easy to take for granted. So, as people of faith, sincere ‘giving thanks’ (that’s the table prayer) virtually begs us to do something to help others who are not so fortunate.

Pastor Fred Melton

“I really cannot say a prayer without being reminded that helping others is both a response to God’s blessings to us and a virtual requirement for having such easy access to food. I recall a powerful quote from the speaker at my oldest son’s college graduation (from the University of Michigan), which was: “Service is the rent we pay for being alive.”


Souls On Fire, the praise band that leads St. Mark’s contemporary services, provided music before the event, which was hosted by Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd.

A group shot of some members of the St. Mark's Praise Band "Souls On Fire."

Join us for LCS’ 30th Hunger Walk/Run

The start of the 2019 LCS Walk Run for Hunger

The Lutheran Community Services Hunger Walk/Run is back and all of us — runners, walkers, volunteers and givers — are invited to participate in this event, which supports the ministries of LCS in our community.

The funds raised and food collected from this 5-kilometer event go directly to LCS’ food pantries.

This year’s event marks the 30th anniversary of the Hunger Walk/Run. Though the 2020 event was “virtual,” allowing everyone to choose the place and time of their participation because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we return to an in-person event on Saturday, September 18 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church at 1530 Foulk Rd., Wilmington, Delaware 19803. Registration starts at 9 a.m. The run/walk starts at 10.

Afterward, stick around for the Family Fun Fair. Games, rides, music and food all are on the agenda.

You can contribute to the success of this day without lacing up any sneakers by supporting those who hit the streets . Register and/or contribute to the individual or team of your choice by visiting LCS’ website here.

Sharing God’s blessings with all

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

When we share the blessings God has given us, powerful things happen! We honor Him and share in His work of provision and reconciliation.

St. Mark’s supports and partners with many other groups in service to our Lord and our community. Your gifts are important to these efforts and greatly appreciated. We offer below a list of such opportunities, including the monthly focus approved by St. Mark’s Council and a special 24-hour appeal for EDGE for Tomorrow that starts March 4.

St. Mark’s monthly giving targets include:

January – Family Promise
February – EDGE for Tomorrow (more details below)
April – Lutheran Volunteer Corp & Bowlathon
May – Kairos (prison ministry)
June – Sojourners’ Place/LCS Gimme Shelter Golf
July – LIFE (Lutherans Involved in Food Emergencies)
August – Youth Group
September – Lutheran Community Services & Walkathon
October – ELCA World Hunger
November – Hilltop Lutheran Neighborhood Center

To make a designated gift, you may:

  • Note the designation on your weekly church envelope in the “Special Appeal For:” section
  • Indicate your distribution in the memo on your check or include a note with your check.
  • If you give electronically, you may include a memo or notation to specify the designation.

In addition to these ministries, the Delaware-Maryland Synod, of which St. Mark’s is a part, is in the midst of its 2021 Lenten Appeal, which continues through April 5. Every dollar given will be matched during this time, up to $40,000. These gifts support the synod’s Ministry Fund, helping to build local ministries for the future.

About EDGE for Tomorrow and the DoMore24 campaign March 4-5

EDGE for Tomorrow is thrilled to participate in the monumental DoMore24 statewide campaign, 24 hours during which your gift has extra impact. The period runs from 6 p.m. March 4 to 6 p.m. March 5. This can have a great impact on EDGE’s ability to remain nimble and continue to meet the needs of the low-income children and families we serve in Edgemoor Gardens, Bellevue and Bellefonte during the most tumultuous year of our organization’s history.

Check out our campaign page by clicking here and set up a reminder to donate. Please help us all do more together. Thank you for your support!

EDGE for Tomorrow was founded in 2011 as an outreach ministry of
our neighbor, Presbyterian Church of the Covenant (PCOC). Primary funding comes from private foundations and government grants, along with individual donations and fund-raising events. EDGE provides after-school care, addresses food insecurity, and advocates and supports the marginalized in our community.EDGE for Tomorrow logo
Located in PCOC’s building at 503 Duncan Rd, EDGE After-School is for children in grades K through 5 who attend Mount Pleasant Elementary School, offering:
  • Virtues-based programming and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) that teaches good citizenship, social skills, empathy and kindness,
  • Tutoring and enrichment activities with specialized reading and math help,
  • Homework help, healthy snacks and physical activities, and
  • STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) learning to enrich skills needed for reading, math, geography, science and the arts.

COVID-19 forced us to be creative and adaptive when our schools went all virtual in September, stepping up and opening an in-person Remote Access Learning Hub; a safe place to provide students’ academic support with much-needed emotional and social enrichment.

The Hub helps up to 18 at-risk students access school Monday thru Friday. EDGE offers students technical support and encouragement during the online school day, two nutritional meals and a snack from Brandywine School District, recreational activities in the fresh air, and emotional support through activities such as yoga, team building, and arts programming.

When the school day ends, students stay for three hours of after-care, where The Music School of Delaware’s MELODY program provides an outlet for kindergarten through grade 2 students to experience the art of music through Rhythm, a Bucket Band percussion group, and the violin. Grades 3 through 5 participate in Bucket Band and gain enrichment through art, creative writing, yoga, storytelling, and STEM using learning tools that build self-esteem, confidence, resilience and coping mechanisms that are so necessary in addressing the effects of childhood trauma and stress.

Midweek Extra: Rob Gurnee of Lutheran Community Services

Interim Pastor David Mueller and Rob Gurnee of Lutheran Community Services

Interim Pastor David Mueller welcomes Rob Gurnee, executive director of Lutheran Community Services of Delaware, to today’s Midweek Extra.

LCS has been serving low-income families in Wilmington and New Castle County since 1959, assisting with emergency food, housing and many other needs.

The men discuss the ministries of LCS and how its work and that of other nonprofit agencies have been affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Rob also talks about the “Pick Your Own” LCS Walk/Run for Hunger and the new format for the popular annual fundraising event that many at St. Mark’s have been part of — as donors, runners and walkers. (Check out a few photos from previous events below.)

It’s a good time to make your plan for participating in this year’s Walk/Run for Hunger. As the name of this year’s event suggests, you can “Pick Your Own” route, pick your own day, pick your own starting time. Here’s what you need to know:

  • The event is open until September 19. Register and gather sponsorships now. YOU decide when and where you walk or run. It can be around your neighborhood, block, favorite walking trail, your back yard, wherever you wish to walk or run. Be creative!
  • Pick up your T-shirt at LCS headquarters at 2809 Baynard Blvd., St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church at 1301 N. Broom St. or at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1530 Foulk Rd.
  • Take pictures or video of your walk if you are able (wearing your T-shirts, of course) and send them to LCS by email
  • Join the Zoom celebration online at 4 p.m. September 19 to culminate the event

REGISTER NOW! Individuals, churches, teams, dogs — you name it! — can register and collect sponsors OR support someone who is fundraising. If you need help, contact Alex with any questions. All proceeds go to LCS food programs.

Is compassion on your gift list?

The ELCA has put together a fantastic Good Gifts catalog, chock full of unique ideas that can make a real difference in people’s lives and support almost 80 ELCA ministries around the world. And none requires fighting with mall traffic!

To learn more, watch the ELCA video.

Here are other great options:

    Lutheran World Relief: This global effort works for sustainable development, helping families rise out of poverty and hunger. You can contribute a herd of animals or one or two. Families also receive training. The herds help them to earn income and find stability.
    Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service: Your gift helps vulnerable families who are fleeing unspeakable violence in search of a safe home. LIRS helps reunite families and provides real help and hope that can change the lives of those who need it most.

    Lutheran Community Services: LCS of Delaware helps individuals and families address food, housing and other essential needs with dignity and respect.

      Delaware-Maryland Synod: The Syndod’s “Strong Roots–Wide Branches” fund supports the ministry of Christ in the Delaware and Maryland regions.

Putting muscle in the message!

Runners at the start of the Lutheran Community Services Walk-Run Fundraiser

More than 160 people showed up at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd on Saturday, Sept. 21, to participate in Lutheran Community Services’ 2019 Walk/Run to end Hunger and Family Fun Day. In all, they raised $52,300 to benefit LCS’ food pantries in New Castle County.

St. Mark’s had another strong showing with 31 members registered and a fundraising total of $15,300!

In addition to the 5-kilometer walk/run, there were fun and games for children, including a bounce house, face painting and a chance to explore a fire truck from Talleyville Volunteer Fire Company. There was plenty of food, including hot dogs, brisket, watermelon, chips, cookies and drinks.

Musicians, including St. Mark’s own “Souls on Fire,” showcased their talents.

Many thanks to all those who helped with planning, including Barbara Breisch, Fred Melton, Margie Dodson, Brian Schmidt and Kyle Schuldt. Thanks also to Gwen Wisniewski and her mother, Kathleen, for cooking and Brian Schmidt for providing the smoked brisket. Finally, many thanks go to the hosts at Good Shepherd and their chairperson Linda Ulmanis for all of her vision, planning, and leadership.

— Kyle Schuldt