‘Aging Grace-Fully’ with author Margaret Renkl

Author Margaret Renkl

Join us at 1:20 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25 for the next chapter of “Aging Grace-Fully,” as we hear from naturalist Margaret Renkl, author of “Late Migrations” in a Zoom-based presentation.

Influenced by her upbringing in Alabama, life in Tennessee and experience as a caregiver to her parents and mother-in-law, Renkl shares a backyard naturalist’s perspective on the cycle of life — in nature, inside our own families and our own bodies. Discover how nature has taught her a speed at which to live, hope and avert despair.

The “Aging Grace-Fully” series brings leading authors to us (via Zoom) to share their insights on how to age with grace and live — fully — with the physical, mental and social changes that come with growing older.

Discussion, facilitated by Dr. Cliff Smith, will follow. Light refreshments will be provided. There is no charge to attend the sessions at St. Mark’s. All are welcome.

Upcoming sessions include Rebecca Chopp (March 27), Missy Buchanan (April 22), Frank Bruni (May 22), Mia Birdsong (July 15), and Anne Lamott (Sept. 11).

What’s your story?

What's your story?

If you have encountered the transformative love of Jesus, you have a great story to tell and we want to hear it. In fact, we need to hear it!

Jesus’ love gives us hope for the future and hope for each other. All of us are strengthened when we share that good news.

So please join us for “What’s Your Story?” — our Adult Forum summer series, starting at 10 a.m. July 9 in the Great Room, as we share our faith stories and real-life experiences of God’s work in our lives.

Margie Dodson, who has been at St. Mark’s since 2007, leads us off this Sunday.

Here are a few things to know about Margie:

Margie Dodson
Margie Dodson
  • She is the youngest of five girls, has been married to Ollie Dodson for 30 years and is blessed with a “big, blended family” that includes two stepdaughters, five grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.
  • Margie has worked as a dental hygienist for more than 40 years and continues to work three days a week.
  • Margie loves music. Her favoriate hymn is “Be Thou My Vision.”

There’s so much more to her story! Join us, bring your questions and see what God has been up to with one of our dear family members.

We have a growing list of folks willing to share their stories and we’d love to add your name. If you’re interested, please contact Margie Dodson or Beth Miller and we’ll be glad to help you do it!

“Worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.” 1 Peter 3:15 (NLT)

Thursday Lenten Series: Who are we and what are we doing here?

Pastor Kelley Ketcham leads a discussion during the Lenten Series

Our mid-week Lenten meal and service series continues weekly on Thursdays through March 30. Dinner is served in the Great Room at 5:30 p.m. and includes bread, drinks and dessert. Please bring a crock pot of soup or a bowl of salad to share if possible.

Pastor Ketcham’s message starts at 6:15 p.m.

This series of messages — titled “Who are we and what are we doing here?” — will help us reflect on our future and give us opportunity to reexamine our identity and mission.

What does it mean to be a Lutheran Christian congregation? What does it mean to be St. Mark’s Lutheran Church? How have we lived out our identity and mission in the past, and how can we continue to live this out today and in the future?

Through this five-week Thursday evening series, we are looking at these questions and discerning our congregation’s identity and mission.

Join us in the Great Room on Thursday evenings. You may also listen in on our YouTube channel, where you will find recordings of any session you may have missed.

March 2 and 9: Our Lutheran Christian identity, ministry, and mission

What does it mean to be a Christian church? To be a Lutheran church? We’ll look at five basic Lutheran beliefs to help us discern our mission as Lutheran Christians, how well we follow them, and how they are reflected in our congregation’s life. Watch recording of March 2 on YouTube. Watch recording of March 9 on YouTube.

March 16: The historic identity and mission of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church

How has St. Mark’s Lutheran Church lived out its mission in its over 80-year history? When were our periods of growth and vitality, and what factored into this? How can our past practices inform us as we look to our future? Watch on YouTube.

March 23: The current identity and mission of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church

What is St. Mark’s Lutheran Church identity today, and how do we see our mission in today’s environment? What is Bellefonte and northern New Castle County like today? Why does our surrounding community need us? What has led more recent members to become partners in our ministry? Watch on YouTube.

March 30: The future identity and mission of St. Mark’s Lutheran Church

God has a plan for us, and God is calling us to a bright future spreading God’s Gospel today. How can our Lutheran Christian tradition and our historic identity and mission help us meet today’s need for the Gospel? How can we carry out this mission and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ? Watch on YouTube.

All are welcome and encouraged to join us!

Hallelujah! The Bible and Handel’s ‘Messiah’

The tuning portion of a violin laying atop sheet music from Handel's 'Messiah.'

Join us Sunday, November 27, as we start the Advent season with a new study called “Hallelujah! The Bible and Handel’s Messiah,” led by Margie Dodson.

We’ll meet at 10 a.m. in the Great Room for this four-week study.

“Messiah” is a wonderful way into the Bible. We will listen to the voice of God through the prophet Isaiah and the genius of George Frideric Handel’s most-beloved oratorio as we study, discuss and celebrate the birth of Jesus.

These are the portions in focus throughout Advent:

  • Sunday, Nov. 27: “Comfort, comfort my people.”
  • Sunday, Dec. 4: “Who may abide the day of his coming?”
  • Sunday, Dec. 11: “For unto us a child is born.”
  • Sunday, Dec. 18: “Glory to God in the highest!”

Delaware Legislative Night

State Representative Debra Heffernan and State Senator Sarah McBride

Please join us at 7 p.m. Monday, December 20 for a 40-minute Zoom session with the two state legislators who represent our area.

State Senator Sarah McBride and State Representative Debra Heffernan will discuss the upcoming legislative session and take your questions. This is a valuable session even if you don’t live in the same Senatorial District or Representative District which serves our church home.  Don’t miss this opportunity to share your thoughts and learn about the work these lawmakers are doing in Dover.

If you have questions about this event or need the Zoom link, please contact Jan Sullivan.

Christmas Carols together — singing and sharing!

Sheet music with an ornament and greens

Christmas Carols + You + Me: Join us at 10 a.m. in the Great Room for this Adult Education class as we share personal stories of the role Christmas carols have played in our lives. All are invited to share a carol that has a special memory or has shaped your faith in some way. This class is designed as an opportunity to learn more about each other and to reflect upon the significance and meaning that Christmas carols have had in our lives. Cliff Smith will facilitate the discussion.

Christmas Carol sing: We’ll gather outside at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, December 5 (weather permitting), as our St. Mark’s family joins together for a Christmas carol sing.

Midweek Extra: The Rev. Clarence Pettit

The Rev. Clarence Pettit

The Rev. Clarence Pettit of Unity Lutheran Church in Wilmington joined Interim Pastor David Mueller for another Midweek Extra discussion of race.

He talked about protests, about the January 6 riot at the Capitol building in Washington D.C. and about changes needed in the church and society to make good on the principle that “all are created equal.”

Pastor Mueller chose to begin this video with Pastor Pettit asking the questions, rather than the other way around.

Here’s a link to the conversation:



Midweek Extra: The Rev. Clarence Pettit

The Rev. Clarence Pettit and Interim Pastor David Mueller

Interim Pastor David Mueller welcomes a special guest to this week’s Midweek Extra — the Rev. Clarence Pettit, pastor of Unity Church in Wilmington, Delaware.

Pastor Pettit has served in the ministry for more than 47 years. Before coming to Wilmington, he served the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in Seattle, Washington, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

He has been active in religious and social service organizations in Delaware and recently served on the Delaware Maryland Synod Council.

He and Pastor Mueller are friends and in today’s video, they discuss church growth, race relations and what it takes to be a good pastor.


Midweek Extra topics: Creative ministry, Christian nationalism

Camera lens view of Interim Pastor David Mueller

Interim Pastor David Mueller has invited St Mark’s members and friends to send him topics, issues and questions for him to address during these Midweek Extra videos. And the ideas and questions keep on coming!

Today’s topics include:

  • Creative ways of developing Christian service during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Christian nationalism

If you have questions you’d like him to tackle, call or email the church office.

Here’s today’s session:


Midweek Extra: Finding joy and making reparations

Interim Pastor David Mueller

Where’s the joy when we’ve got a virus?

Where’s the joy when we’ve got storm troopers in Oregon?

Where’s the joy when we have such animus between various peoples in our own country?

Where’s the joy when we have economic concerns about how we’re going to manage economically and financially?

Where’s the joy?

Interim Pastor David Mueller attends to that subject in today’s Midweek Extra, an informal video discussion of questions sent to him and his thoughts on assorted issues of the day.

He also discusses making reparations for slavery and other injustices.

Have your own questions for Pastor Mueller? Send them to the church office for future consideration.

Thanks to John Lasher, director of music and worship arts, for producing these videos.