Easter-season hymn sing!

Outdoor Hymn Sing with sheet music illustration

We have missed singing together during these days of pandemic. But take heart! John Lasher, director of music and worship arts, has a plan for a new and wonderful way to rejoice this Easter season!

At 1 p.m. on Sunday, April 11 (the week after Easter Sunday), St. Mark’s will host an outdoor hymn sing in our parking lot.

All are invited to submit their requests for hymns or contemporary worship songs to John via email, phone call or text message. He will make the selections and assemble a music packet for distribution.

If the weather goes south, the event will move to Sunday, April 18.

Get ready to sing your heart out!

Lenten Prayer Walk

An aerial of Wilmington, Delaware

We are invited to join a Lenten prayer walk in Wilmington on Saturday morning, March 13. We’ll be joining Trinity Episcopal Parish (Wilmington) and St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church (Trolley Square), along with Bishop Bill Gohl of the Delaware-Maryland ELCA Synod and Bishop Kevin Brown of the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware.

The event starts at 10 a.m. with prayer at Old Swedes Church (606 Church St.). We will then drive separately to Trinity Episcopal Parish (1108 N. Adams). We’ll start our walk from there, heading to St. Stephen’s (1301 N. Broom). Along the way, we’ll make periodic stops to pray for our city and the people who live, work and visit here.

Our commitment to one another is to remain socially distant and to wear our masks. The walk will be recorded and released in video format on Good Friday.

Lenten devotionals

A person studying the Bible

Interim Pastor David Mueller, in collaboration with John Lasher, director of music and worship arts, will host brief meditations on our YouTube channel every Wednesday throughout the Lenten season. These prerecorded messages will begin at 7 p.m. You can join in by clicking on the image below.

Ash Wednesday observance

Sketched cross

We plan in-person and livestream worship on Ash Wednesday, February 17, starting at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

If you plan to join us in the sanctuary, remember that reservations are required. Please call the church office at (302) 764-7488. Ashes will be provided at the service and will be self-imposed in a safe manner. Those wishing to impose ashes at home can obtain them from the church office prior to the service or use whatever ashes they may have at home. Please remember office hours are weekdays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Christmas Eve

Poinsettias at the altar

Christmas Eve at St. Mark’s will be quite different this year, because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

We are planning ONE 7:30 p.m. service. Attendance is limited to 45 worshippers.

For those who have reservations, a reminder that we will follow all safety precautions and ask that you arrive 15-30 minutes before the service begins to allow for the check-in process, social distancing, retrieving your communion packet and finding your seat.

The service will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel for those preferring to worship from home. The link to our Christmas Eve service is below, for your convenience.

Thank you!

St. Mark’s Worship and Music Committee


Get your 2021 envelopes!

Offering envelopes

The 2021 St. Mark’s offering envelopes are here and we want to be sure you get yours —  especially if you’re not attending services in person. To make it as easy as possible, Financial Secretary Karen Hansell is offering a drive-through-type envelope pickup opportunity from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, December 5. She will be in St. Mark’s parking lot with the envelopes during that time. If you come by to pick yours up, you’ll save us a LOT of shipping expense! Wear your mask and come get your envelopes!

All Saints Day

Prayer candles on a table

All Saints Day falls on the first Sunday of November, a solemn occasion to remember loved ones we have lost and also to remember and recognize Christ’s victory over death. At St. Mark’s, the names of those who have died within the last year are read during the worship service. It is also our tradition to light candles at this time.

We invite you to submit the names of loved ones and friends who have passed away in the past year. so that we may include them during our service on November 1.

You may submit these names by submitting the form below, sending them by mail to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 501 Duncan Rd., Wilmington DE 19809, by email to the office or by calling Cheryl in our office at (302) 764-7488. Please include your name, the name of the person you wish to remember and that person’s relationship to you.

Please respond by October 28.

Praying together for St. Mark’s

Praying hands with a laptop

Join us for real prayer in a virtual context, as we launch a new series of prayer meetings for our church, St. Mark’s Lutheran.

We’ll meet by way of the Zoom video conferencing software on the first Saturday of the month, starting November 7. We’ll pray from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. If you can’t join us online, we hope you’ll pray with us wherever you may be.

All are welcome. To get your Zoom link, fill out this form to contact organizer Margie Dodson.