Join us Sunday, November 27, as we start the Advent season with a new study called “Hallelujah! The Bible and Handel’s Messiah,” led by Margie Dodson.
We’ll meet at 10 a.m. in the Great Room for this four-week study.
“Messiah” is a wonderful way into the Bible. We will listen to the voice of God through the prophet Isaiah and the genius of George Frideric Handel’s most-beloved oratorio as we study, discuss and celebrate the birth of Jesus.
These are the portions in focus throughout Advent:
- Sunday, Nov. 27: “Comfort, comfort my people.”
- Sunday, Dec. 4: “Who may abide the day of his coming?”
- Sunday, Dec. 11: “For unto us a child is born.”
- Sunday, Dec. 18: “Glory to God in the highest!”