Hallelujah! The Bible and Handel’s ‘Messiah’

The tuning portion of a violin laying atop sheet music from Handel's 'Messiah.'

Join us Sunday, November 27, as we start the Advent season with a new study called “Hallelujah! The Bible and Handel’s Messiah,” led by Margie Dodson.

We’ll meet at 10 a.m. in the Great Room for this four-week study.

“Messiah” is a wonderful way into the Bible. We will listen to the voice of God through the prophet Isaiah and the genius of George Frideric Handel’s most-beloved oratorio as we study, discuss and celebrate the birth of Jesus.

These are the portions in focus throughout Advent:

  • Sunday, Nov. 27: “Comfort, comfort my people.”
  • Sunday, Dec. 4: “Who may abide the day of his coming?”
  • Sunday, Dec. 11: “For unto us a child is born.”
  • Sunday, Dec. 18: “Glory to God in the highest!”

It’s Bazaar time!

A scene from a former St. Mark's Christmas Bazaar

It’s that time of year again — Bazaar time! That means it’s time to buy unique artisan-crafted gifts and time to bring home tasty items from the baked-goods and soup sale. It’s also time to see the newest addition to our Bazaar — a full-room train display brought to us by the Rev. Robbie Ketcham! The theme of this year’s Bazaar is “Love Endures for All Time.” Here’s the plan: On Friday, December 2, we’ll host our delicious and popular Lasagna Dinner, starting at 6 p.m. Stick around after dinner and shop in the Bazaar. Tickets are $20 and will be available after Sunday services throughout November. On Saturday, December 3, the full Bazaar setup will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Make plans now to join us — and let your family, friends and other guests know they’re welcome!

Gear up for the 2022 LCS Walk/Run!

The start of the Lutheran Community Services Walk/Run for Hunger

It’s almost time for the 2022 Lutheran Community Services (LCS) Walk/Run — one of the biggest fundraisers of the year for LCS, which provides emergency and essential assistance to thousands of people in our community. St. Mark’s has been a strong supporter of this event for many years, so lace up those sneakers, get your cheering squad ready and pull out your checkbook or credit card to help us provide resources for this outstanding service agency.

This year’s Walk/Run will be held Saturday, Sept. 17 at a new site — Concordia Lutheran Church, 3003 Silverside Road, Wilmington, DE 19810. Registration starts at 9 a.m. and the Walk/Run starts at 10. Read more for details on how to support this event!

The day includes raffles, door prizes and a friendly, non-competitive walk for adults and kids alike. Those who fundraise for the event engage with their friends, family and otheLori Weniger and daughterr personal contacts to support LCS and its mission to help provide essential needs. The funds raised and food collected from this event go directly to LCS’ food pantries.

Pastor Fred Melton (former pastor of St. Mark’s) has been a longtime supporter of this event and returns this year with a dedicated team. St. Mark’s also has a new team — “Pastor Kelley’s Krew” — named for our new pastor, Kelley Ketcham.

To register as a walker or runner, look for the forms in the church lobby or fill out the online form at this web address: https://secure.qgiv.com/event/20walkru/register/form/classification

To donate to a specific team or participant, you can give a check (made out to LCS) directly to the participant or donate to a specific team or participant at this website:  https://secure.qgiv.com/event/20walkru/

A recent addition to the Walk/Run is a Family Fun Fair, immediately following the event. We love to interact with old and new friends with games, rides, music and food.

The Walk/Run & Fun Day is traditionally held on the third Saturday of September, rain or shine, and is hosted by one of our church partners.

Hope to see you there!

A special rite of installation

Pastor Kelley Ketcham at the altar

St. Mark’s is thrilled to invite your prayers and presence on Sunday, Aug. 21, for the Service of Holy Communion with the Rite of Installation for our new pastor, Kelley Ketcham.

Bishop William Gohl of the Delaware-Maryland Synod of the ELCA will be present at the service, which begins at 3 p.m. Pastors and deacons from throughout our synod will be invited to celebrate this very special service.

Please RSVP by Monday, Aug. 15, to the church office by phone — (302) 764-7488) — email (office@stmarksonline.org), or sign up on the kiosk in the narthex if you will be attending.

Please come, pray and share our joy as we welcome Pastor Kelley and look to the future.

Holy Week schedule

Palm frond

Please join us as we gather during Holy Week, the period from Palm Sunday through Easter. Our worship plans are as follows:

All of these services also are accessible via our YouTube channel. Click on the underlined words above to connect to the YouTube livestream or recording you wish to access.

Vigil for Ukraine

Vigil for Ukraine information

We are invited to join with faith partners and musicians from around the community at 4 p.m. Sunday, March 27 to offer prayers and supplication for an end to the war in Ukraine. The vigil will be held at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, our neighbor at 503 Duncan Road.

The Rev. Kate Morgan, interim pastor at PCOC, will be joined by The Very Rev. Volodymyr Klanichka, rector at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church on Lea Blvd, to officiate the service.

All are welcome!

Celebrate Christmas with us!

Join us as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!

We’ll have two services — a 5 p.m. family-oriented contemporary service and a 7 p.m. traditional service with Scripture, carols and a cantata.

On Sunday, December 26, we will have one Unity worship service at 10 a.m., with lessons and carols.

Delaware Legislative Night

State Representative Debra Heffernan and State Senator Sarah McBride

Please join us at 7 p.m. Monday, December 20 for a 40-minute Zoom session with the two state legislators who represent our area.

State Senator Sarah McBride and State Representative Debra Heffernan will discuss the upcoming legislative session and take your questions. This is a valuable session even if you don’t live in the same Senatorial District or Representative District which serves our church home.  Don’t miss this opportunity to share your thoughts and learn about the work these lawmakers are doing in Dover.

If you have questions about this event or need the Zoom link, please contact Jan Sullivan.

Christmas Carols together — singing and sharing!

Sheet music with an ornament and greens

Christmas Carols + You + Me: Join us at 10 a.m. in the Great Room for this Adult Education class as we share personal stories of the role Christmas carols have played in our lives. All are invited to share a carol that has a special memory or has shaped your faith in some way. This class is designed as an opportunity to learn more about each other and to reflect upon the significance and meaning that Christmas carols have had in our lives. Cliff Smith will facilitate the discussion.

Christmas Carol sing: We’ll gather outside at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, December 5 (weather permitting), as our St. Mark’s family joins together for a Christmas carol sing.

A Call to Prayer

The altar, cross and window

Join us as we gather for a Prayer Vigil on Saturday morning, December 4. The sanctuary will be open from 9 a.m. to noon. You may come for any portion of that that time — or all of it! Between 10 and 11 a.m., we will focus our prayers on St. Mark’s.

Here’s why: Prayer is woven throughout the entire Bible. As believers in God, we believe that as we pray God listens, responds, heals, guides, blesses, anoints, forgives, provides, protects, redeems, leads, directs, empowers, nourishes, unites and much more.

We want to make our praises and prayer requests known. Whether we do that privately, corporately, silently or out loud, we believe God will be listening.

Come and pray silently in the pews. Come to the altar to kneel and pray. Speak your prayer aloud for others to hear. Submit a prayer to be read by someone else. (You may submit these written prayers to the prayer collection envelope in the sanctuary.) Or join us in prayer while you are at home.

A prayer guide will be provided.

If you have questions contact anyone on the prayer team: Cecilia Cronk, Margie Dodson, Vicki McDowell, Beth Miller, Nancy Myers, Cliff Smith or Jan Sullivan.

We hope you’ll join us!