Help us fight hunger in Delaware and have some fun doing it! Join us for the 28th annual LCS Hunger Walk Run and (new!) Family Fun Day on Saturday, September 21, 2019.
The event, which is a fundraiser for Lutheran Community Services, will be at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 1530 Foulk Rd. in Brandywine Hundred this year.
Registration is open now and can be done online at Forms also are available in the narthex at St. Mark’s.
All proceeds go to fight hunger in Delaware — and the more sponsorships you get, the more people we can help. Please bring cans of food to contribute to our Community Food Drive.
In addition to the 5-kilometer walk/run and the 1-mile stroll, the plan for the day includes lots of fun, including a cookout, games, raffles, veggie garden tours and more.
Registration begins at 9 a.m. and the event begins at 10. If you raise $50, your fee is waived. If not, the fees are $25 for adults, $20 for youth. It’s all for a great cause!
I hope to see another great St. Mark’s turnout for this great event.
~Kyle Schuldt
Worship and a picnic!
You could call it our kind of block party! Once a year we join our neighbors at Presbyterian Church of the Covenant to worship our God and enjoy each other’s company.
We start with worship at 10 a.m. — just one service that Sunday — and then gather under the shady trees on PCOC’s lawn for a big ol’ picnic.
Expert grillmasters deliver sizzling burgers and hot dogs and everyone brings a dish or dessert to share.
Dwight Novotny, coordinator for St. Mark’s, says there will be Irish music this year, by the two-man band known as the King Brothers. Does it get any better?
Hope to see you there!

Welcome to St. Mark’s, Pastor David Mueller!
We are thrilled to welcome the Rev. David Mueller to St. Mark’s as our interim pastor.
Pastor Mueller was pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church for 30 years and has conducted eight interim assignments in the Southeastern Pennsylvania and Delaware-Maryland Synods.
He and his wife, Estrellita “Gigi,” were remarried here at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church by Pastor Carl Sachtleben on December 14, 1984. They are happy to be back among the people of St. Mark’s.
And we are overjoyed to have them with us!
Pastor Mueller’s official start date is August 1.
ROAR: The Mane Event!
ROAR is an epic African adventure that engages the whole herd!
At ROAR, kids explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life.
All children, ages 4 through 11, are welcome. They must be registered by an adult.
The five-evening event goes from 5:15 to 8:30 p.m. from Sunday, July 21 through Thursday, July 25. Our host is Presbyterian Church of the Covenant, 503 Duncan Road, our next-door neighbor.
Teens and adults are needed to make this year’s Vacation Bible School another success!
Please contact Elaine Murphy ( if you can help in any way.