‘Compass Team’ starts work on strategic plan

A new team at St. Mark’s has started work on a strategic plan for our congregation, which has served the north Wilmington area for more than 75 years.

The team is working with Pastor Scott Maxwell and Jim LaDoux of the Vibrant Faith initiative to evaluate the church’s mission and provide detailed information to church leaders as we all plan for our future and our impact in the community.

The work starts with a fact-finding phase, an assessment of the church and its community context. Your voice and views will be essential and valuable during this process. Much more information on this fact-finding effort will be coming soon.

The team chose “Compass Team” as its name, reflecting the desire to pursue our True North – Jesus.

“The goal of the Compass Team is to work with the people of St Mark’s to discern God’s plan for our future and reflect it in strategic goals and actions that we hope the entire congregation can get excited about,” said Nancy Wilkerson, team convener. “Obviously, we can’t be successful without you. Over the coming weeks we will be reaching out to everyone at St Mark’s through surveys, focus groups and other activities to help us in the data-gathering phase of the process. Look for more information on this phase of the process in mid-January.”

The team chose Isaiah 6:8 as a guiding Scripture: “Then I heard the Lord asking, ‘Whom should I send as a messenger to this people?’ I said, ‘Here I am. Send me.’”

Also on the team are Nichole Bishop, Peg Bradley, Dwight Novotny, Mike Patterson and Beth Miller.